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Display Advertisements

Member and non-members are invited to purchase "display ads" in varying sizes for a reasonable monthly fee.

We have 2 kinds of ads available.

  1. In-column listings for Buy-Sell-Trade which are free for TCI members, not available to non-members
  2. Display ads are ads submitted as photo ready artwork or pictures and are available to members and non-members as priced below

Ads must include contact name and telephone number.

All display artwork must be submitted at 300dpi resolution. We want our publication to continue to be top-notch. Lower resolution images do not print well.

Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month for ads to appear in next month's issue.

Those desiring to purchase display advertising should send electronic, print ready copy to: and remit appropriate payment to

Ads are sized to fit a three column page format

Five available sizes:

Member Price Non-Member price

23/8 wide
47/8 high

$10 $20
Double Quarter Column
47/8 wide     2 3/8 high

$10 $20
Double Half Column
47/8 wide
47/8 high

$20 $40
Horizontal Half Page
71/2 wide
47/8 high

$30 $60
Full Page
71/2 wide
91/2 high

$60 $120