Wilhelm Magneto Compact Oak 2-Box Telephone

By Walt Aydelotte, ; posted September 2, 2010; hits 1837

I recently completed restoring a Wilhelm Magneto Oak Compact 2-Box Telephone that I acquired many years ago, and that has been in storage for a long time. It is unique in that it has the earliest version of Wilhelm's Double Diaphragm Transmitter that I have ever seen. Also, the shrowd that surrounds the door-mounted transmitter is not lettered as all the other I have examined have been. Yet, there was no mistaking it's heritage, as it contained this very early transmitter, with a bakelite mouthpiece (only the 2nd one I have ever seen that was not of spun brass, and I own that other one). This vintage double diaphragm transmitter lacks the large "wedge-shaped" face that all the later versions have prominently displayed. This is truly one of the earliest Wilhelm Transmitters I have ever examined.
