Overland Telephone Co. 3-Box

By Walt Aydelotte, ; posted August 28, 2008; hits 1917

Pictured is an Overland Telephone Mfg. Co. 3-box phone in walnut, with burly walnut verneered top box, lettered Overland Blake-type transmitter and generic longpole receiver. What I need help with is the receiver. It really should have an Overland Telephone Mfg. Co. lettered cap outside terminal receiver. I have seen at least 2 models of this receiver. The one model (that I have seen 3 of) looks identical to the American Cushman receiver, except the cap is lettered: "OVERLAND TELEPHONE MFG. CO.". The other model that I have only seen 1 of looks like an early generic Manhattan outside terminal receiver; the model with the circular bar magnet running up the outside, in a handle like fashion. Again, this would have had a lettered Cap on it. I will trade or pay well for one of these elusive receivers.
